Family Empowerment

We support the community comprehensively through a wraparound and system navigation program that assists individuals and families meet their basic needs and find resources across the social determinants of health. We provide rental emergency support, translate documents, help complete applications for services and benefits, and assist people making legal and medical appointments.

Healthier Oregon/Oregon Más Saludable

Casa Latinos has joined a network of 24 community-based organizations and agencies supporting the Oregon Health Authority Healthier Oregon program (House Bill 3352). Through Healthier Oregon, as of July 2023 people of all ages who meet income and other criteria...

ENLACES Community Health Worker program

The ENLACES Community Health Worker program follows the OHA Community Health Worker Scope of Practice framework, supporting the community comprehensively by providing direct services, system navigation, community capacity building, and advocacy. Our community...

CLU and We Care Working Together

We are very pleased to partner with We Care thanks to a generous grant from Samaritan Health Services. Together, we provide rental assistance and wraparound support to people from the Latinx community of Benton county who encounter barriers to access services and...

The Colonia Paz Services Collaborative

Through a strong partnership with the Farmworker Housing Development Corporation (FHDC), Linn County Public Health, the Benton County Health Department, Community Outreach, Inc., and multiple other organizations, Casa Latinos Unidos plays a key role coordinating a...

Community Building

Reflecting our mission of strengthening the Latinx community together, we implement programs that aim at building resilience and capacity through leadership development, education, social connectedness, and arts.

Celebration of Cultures

We celebrate the cultures and traditions of the people of Latin American heritage, most of them first or second-generation immigrants.