Core Programmatic Areas

Casa Latinos Unidos takes a systemic and integrated approach to the community well-being. Through our three programmatic areas, we support meeting basic needs through direct assistance and referrals, offer programs that build internal capacity for self-reliance, and put the recognition and celebration of cultures at the center of our work.

Family Empowerment

We provide wraparound and system navigation support to individuals and families, always in ways that empower and strengthen families. As part of this, we support people who because of linguistic, cultural, and economic barriers encounter difficulties accessing resources and addressing their basic needs.

Community Building

To strengthen the community internal capacity, we offer programs on English language, financial, and digital literacy; youth and adult leadership development; education and mentorship; jobs and entrepreneurship; and social and emotional well-being. Our approach is participatory, making use of popular education methods. In this way, we place the life experience of participants at the center of our work.

Community Building

To strengthen the community internal capacity, we offer programs on English language, financial, and digital literacy; youth and adult leadership development; education and mentorship; jobs and entrepreneurship; and social and emotional well-being. Our approach is participatory, making use of popular education methods. In this way, we place the life experience of participants at the center of our work.

Celebration of Cultures

We celebrate the cultures and traditions of the people of Latin American heritage, most of them first or second-generation immigrants. This includes collecting stories, celebrating traditions, and providing a space for cultural and artistic expression.